Picea Abies :: Nome vulgar Abeto-falso
Prefere solos húmidos e profundos, em áreas de sombra, ou meia sombra, propaga-se facilmente por semente. As pinhas são muito características e destacam-se das dos abetos pela forma como crescem rectas nos ramos. Os famosos violinos Stradivarius foram construídos com este tipo de madeira.
Unexpectedly in our brief visit to the Serra da Estrela, we found some beautiful specimens of Picea Abies also known as Abies excelsa. Is a very slow growing conifer, from Pinaceae family, which can reach up to 50 meters in height, crown dense rounded, with branches from the base of the stem (this has clearly been pruned to allow pedestrian passage underneath). Prefers moist soils, deep in shadow areas, or half shade, spreads easily by seed. The cones are very characteristic and stand out from the spruce by the way the branchesgrow straight. The famous Stradivarius violins were built with this type of wood.
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